First things first, I urge you to scoot this clip along to about 2:15 where the song begins, and skip the irritating waffle and banter, and Mani being down with the kids. By the time you got through it, you'd be ill-disposed to what is a pretty nifty cover. The vocals on this I can take or leave, neither magnificent nor dreadful, but the music is great. It's not exactly the ska-ified version it's billed as, but it adds a sprightly funky bounce while staying fairly faithful to the original tune. That Mani, formerly of The Stone Roses, plays bass on it adds a patina of meaningfulness, as one Manchester legend helps the next generation honour the city's most legendary band. (Just thought I'd throw that cat into the pigeon loft and watch the feathers fly.)
This was all done at the corporate behest of the ghost of Jack Daniels, with Mani gathering up lots of young bands for a 'JD set' gig of Smiths covers. This next video mixes interviews with clips of the bands rehearsing, and features members of Little Barrie, The Enemy, Kid British again and others tackling This Charming Man, Shoplifters, William, There Is A Light and many, many more... (well, a few more).
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